Frequently Asked Questions
How do I join a walk?
Follow us on Facebook if you can! It's a great way to find out information about upcoming activities. You can also find our Newsletters on the website. The Newsletters contain all the information you need about upcoming walks and activities.
Find an activity you are interested in (advertised on Facebook, or in the newsletter).
CALL THE LEADER to ask any questions about the walk and to RSVP for the walk. You MUST call the leader - please do not click "going" on Facebook, or text the leader (unless you already know them and they know you, or the event information specifically asks you to do so).
Please try and call the leader well in advance of the walk (at least 3 days). If you leave it until the day before, the activity may have been cancelled due to perceived lack of interest, or if numbers are limited, you may have missed out. It is also frustrating for leaders who have other commitments to have to spend all Saturday afternoon replying to messages/calls and rearranging plans to suit latecomers.
What if I have questions about the walk?
Call the leader! You will often have questions - how hard it is, what you need to bring, what time you are expected to return home. The leader is the best person to ask. Please do not ask questions about walks via Facebook - the administrators of the page are often not the leaders, so they cannot answer the questions.
Do I really need to call the leader, or can I just message?
YES! You really need to call the leader. The only time you don't need to call is if you already know the leader and they know you, then they may be OK with you messaging another way, or if the event information specifically asks you to message.
You need to call the leader because:
The leader will need to check that you are capable of doing the walk, especially for the hard walks. They will ask you questions about your experience, level of fitness and equipment.
We can't fit all of the information into the newsletter/Facebook. The leader may want to clarify the terrain, or the vehicle requirements with you.
We may need to check whether you require a lift if 4WD access is required, or whether you are prepared to take another walker.
We may need to let you know details about weather, or confirm numbers, or check that you have the correct equipment (for example, some walks are not appropriate to do in sneakers).
The leader may need to get contact details off you.
The leader may need to let you know about certain risks - eg that we may return home late, after dark.
I can't make it to a walk I'm interested in, can you give me directions so I can do it on my own?
Generally, no. Many of our walks require access over private property, so we will not disrespect the landowners by handing out that information. Also, most club members do not want to accept responsibility for handing out information for a walk to someone who may not be capable of doing the walk, and then gets lost or injured.
What do I need to bring on a walk?
The member's handbook (link above) details what you need to bring on a walk. This does vary depending on the level of difficulty and location of the walk.
Do I really need to bring a first aid kit? ​
Yes. Leaders only carry their own personal first aid kit, they do not carry supplies for other participants. The Member's Handbook includes suggested contents for your first aid kit.
What do I wear on a walk?
Again, this depends on the level of difficulty and the location of the walk. If it is a short, easy walk, comfortable clothes are sufficient. We always recommend sleeved shirts and hats for sun protection.
If the walk is a hard walk, long pants and short or long sleeved shirts are recommended. Long pants provide snake protection. Long pants and long sleeves provide sun protection and as a lot of our walks are off track, they will assist in protecting your skin from the many sharp leaves, rocks and sticks.
Keep in mind that if walking through spear grass, cobblers pegs or other similar vegetation, tights will not provide much protection. Also, bright colours are a good idea - it makes it easier to spot the group in the bush, and on the off chance you get lost it will make it much easier for searchers to find you.
What shoes do I need?
That depends on the type of walk/activity. The leader will be able to clarify this with you.
Most easier walks are usually on footpaths, the beach or formed tracks, and sneakers/joggers will generally be fine in this case.
For most hard walks, hiking boots or trail runners are strongly advised. Generally these walks are off track, and sneakers are not built for this. One hard walk could shorten the lifespan of your sneakers by 6 months. Sneakers also provide very little ankle/foot support, which isn't an issue around town but when you are 3 hours from the car it can be dangerous. Walking over a rocky creek bed for an hour with shoes that don't have much support will hurt your feet and may slow you down.
Hiking boots will also provide better protection from snakes and even little things like spear grass that can make your walk unbearable.
Do I really need to bring a first aid kit/raincoat/spare food?
Yes, especially on hard walks.
What does the club provide?
The Leader will have some two-way radios for communication purposes and a PLB (Personal Locator Beacon) for emergencies. Note that the club does NOT provide first aid equipment, it is the responsibility of each participant to bring their own.
If I join as a member, do I have to go to meetings?
No , although we would love you to! This is a very easy club to be a part of. All members (and the public) are welcome at monthly meetings, however no one is required to attend. You can also attend as many or as few activities you want during the year.
How much does it cost?
Check out our "Bushwalking Information" page. Membership and walk fees are very cheap. If you car-pool with another driver, you are expected to give a fuel contribution. Check out the Member's Handbook for details.
Can I bring my child on the walk?
Yes, but we require all children to be supervised by their parent/guardian. The leader will not be responsible for children.
What is the Leader's job?
Every activity has a leader. The leader is basically the organiser. Beforehand, they schedule the event, are the contact for members to RSVP, arrange car travel and answer any questions about the activity. They may make decisions about who can participate - for example, they may limit numbers, or advise members that this walk may not be suitable, or they may decide to cancel the walk due to weather or other reasons.
On the day, they get participants to sign the relevant paperwork, collect walk fees, lead the walk, and make decisions about the walk (for example which route to take, or to turn back in bad weather). They will take reasonable steps to ensure that all participants are safe and return to from the activity safely (however, at the end of the day, we are all independent adults and everyone participates at their own risk).
Please remember that all of our leaders are volunteers, who lead walks so that others can enjoy the great outdoors. Please do everything you can to make their job easier.
Can I bring my dog on walk?
Generally no, as most of our walks are in National Parks or private property.